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Andy Feinstein standing at a podium on stage addressing a crowd.

Celebrating How Far We've Come

北科罗拉多大学校长安迪·范斯坦发表了年度国情咨文 of the University address to a full house on Sept. 26, in the University Center Rocky Mountain Grand Ballroom.

北科罗拉多大学校长安迪·范斯坦发表了年度国情咨文 of the University address to a full house on Sept. 26, in the University Center Rocky Mountain Grand Ballroom.  

范斯坦从他的真实经历中获得了今年演讲的灵感 整个夏天. Taking advantage of his first sabbatical after 25 years in higher 在接受教育期间,范斯坦花了两个月的时间和家人在一起,爬山和徒步旅行 of Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks as possible. He said the experience provided many 与大学为实现所概述的目标而进行的旅程相似 in its 10-year 战略计划 Rowing, Not Drifting 2030. He emphasized that both journeys sometimes require laser-focus on the details of 但他也强调了将注意力转移到更广泛领域的重要性 perspective to appreciate what has already been achieved. 

“有无数次,我从那堵似乎没有尽头的墙中抬起头来 发现自己被比想象中更令人惊叹的景色所震撼,” Feinstein说. “On our collective journey toward 2030, we must remember to look up 一路走来.”  

今年秋天,该大学将通过其五个阶段的第二阶段的中点 战略计划. Feinstein’s address reinforced his commitment to reaching the goals 在2030年愿景中提出,同时庆祝我们取得的主要成就 已经发生在指导大学的五个愿景要素中的每一个 工作.


范斯坦将大学“学生至上”的核心原则定义为一种承诺 to transforming the lives of students.  

他强调了过去一年在支持这一承诺方面取得的一项关键成就 UNC的 Colorado 一年级 Admission Guarantee. 该计划保证符合条件的科罗拉多高中进入大学 students, removing the guess工作 about whether UNC is a college option. 这个项目 与博天堂官方80%的本科生特别相关 在科罗拉多州,42%的人是家里第一个上大学的 and nearly 30% are Pell-eligible.  

“像我们这样的地区性公立大学是高等教育的重要组成部分 in the United States. And we will continue to focus on keeping a quality education accessible and affordable,” Feinstein说. 

最近其他与学生成功有关的成就包括 institution’s academic portfolio. The university added new degree programs 今年秋天 in statistics and computer science, certifications in drone technologies, GIS and entrepreneurship and a Latinx music concentration, the first of its kind in the U.S.  

Feinstein also acknowledged the launch of the university’s public-facing 校友 Employment Dashboard. 这个新的互动工具可以追踪所从事的职业和行业 by UNC graduates, providing further proof of student success beyond graduation. 


强调大学多元化的背景、人才和经验 “社区为每个人创造了一个更丰富的环境,”范斯坦说 trend in diversity among the student population. According to the fall 2023 enrollment 数据显示,西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生的数量创历史新高 今年秋天是26岁.3%,高于之前的25%.2022年秋季5%. Achieving this milestone means UNC 现在有资格在2024年初提交申请,申请联邦指定为 a Hispanic Serving Institution. 

整个校园也在努力建立多样性和公平的能力 and inclusion, including:   

  • 多样性,公平和包容司的理解和引导包容 透过教育(团结起来)工作坊系列. 
  • 的发展 programs on inclusive pedagogy from the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. 
  • The implementation of a DEI研究员计划 made possible through a generous gift from Chevron


范斯坦的关键优先事项之一是确保该机构拥有一支强大的团队 place to lead the university now and into the future. Feinstein said that compensation 是建立团队的重要组成部分,并指向大学的投资 in salary increases over the past two years for faculty and staff.  

其他与确保UNC成为理想工作场所相一致的机构努力 包括: 

  • 发起一项校园气候调查,这将有助于为大学未来的工作提供信息 战略计划. Results of the survey will be shared with the campus community later 今年秋天. 
  • 收集来自大学社区的反馈和贡献 of a facilities comprehensive plan. 
  • Ongoing renovations in the University Center to enhance dining options. 
  • Planned net工作 upgrades that will improve wireless connectivity across campus.


范斯坦提供了整个大学的例子,展示了在培养学生方面所做的努力 opportunities for critical inquiry, discovery and creation. He cited specific achievements, 比如 cultural exchange trip to the Dominican Republic 由表演和视觉艺术学院的学生和教师参加 recent reaccreditation in both business and accounting for the Monfort College of 业务. 他还强调 他对大学创建整骨医学学院的承诺 and indicated that a top priority in the coming year is to secure support to make the college a reality. 

“我们继续寻找扩大联合国军司令部能力的方法,以满足一些最紧迫的需求 opportunities and challenges facing our state and world,” Feinstein说. “通过 建立一所骨科医学院,我们将扩大UNC的长期 作为培养毕业生从事医疗保健和健康科学职业的领导者.” 

Connect and Celebrate 

范斯坦在演讲结束时承认了与最后一个相关的成就 在五大愿景要素中,强调伙伴关系、协作的重要性 and building community.  

他特别感谢了那些慷慨解囊的捐款人 帮助推进机构的战略重点,表明去年的筹款 努力是历史上第三好的,继破纪录的成功 前一年. 他还强调 his priority of building strong relationships with education, business and community partners in Greeley and beyond. 

“无论是参加格里利-埃文斯的开球社区庆祝活动 学区或举办六月节庆祝活动与城市的合作 格里利,博天堂官方寻求为大学如何参与丰富社区设定标准 in which they are located,” Feinstein说.  

范斯坦在他的信息中提到的其他关键举措和事件都是里程碑 celebration of the university’s 100th 同学会, 10月. 9-15和UNC 超出标准 品牌推广活动. The campaign aligns with a key action item in the 战略计划 to raise the visibility of the university and Greeley with pride. 竞选标语 and billboards can be seen across campus and around the region. 这个概念不是 只要对大学在该州的地理位置点头,就能传达出这一点 “no single label defines us."

随着战略计划的第二阶段在学年结束时结束, 范斯坦提醒与会人员,工作将过渡到协作 developing key actions and tactics for the upcoming third phase.  

“I hope that as you leave today, you pause to celebrate how far we have come. 甚至 在我们展望未来的时候,请记住,我们正在共同努力,受到 a shared sense of purpose,” Feinstein说. “What makes the experience worthwhile 聚在一起的快乐是为了学校和人民的进步吗 我们所服务.” 

在那之前,范斯坦鼓励大学社区停下来,仔细看看 edge of the mountain and appreciate the accomplishments made thus far.

— written by 迪安娜赫伯特
